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Someone Posted A Full Playthrough Of The Goldeneye 007 Remake

1 min read

There a few games that resonate with the pre-online gaming community quite like Goldeneye:007 does. It was the first game that allowed for customizable multiplayer deathmatches in addition to a pretty solid single-player campaign. It remains one of the Nintendo 64’s most highly rated games and ranks usually in the top ten of greatest games of all time. So why haven’t we seen a next-gen update for such an insanely popular title?

Turns out, there actually were plans for a remake to hit XBLA (Xbox Live Arcade) back in 2008. The remake was slated to feature updated textures, improved graphics, and online multiplayer. Due to some licensing issues, the game ended up being shelved before ever seeing the light of day. Since then, several short videos showing gameplay of the revamped game have surfaced online, but they’ve always been incomplete. We now know what the finished product could’ve looked like though, thanks to YouTuber Grasslu00. They uploaded the footage thanks to an emulator called Xenia

Just watching the gameplay sends me on a most gracious trip down memory lane. Although there hasn’t been an announcement for another formal remake, I’d love to see one actually get made. Until then, enjoy Grasslu00’s playthrough, and let us know what you think in the comments!

Via: Kotaku

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