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Fan Expo Canada Cosplay Was On Point

1 min read

One of the coolest things to see when attending a comic con is the cosplay. There are so many varying levels of devotion, and so many things to do, that the possibilities truly are unlimited. I’ve seen my fair share of the good and bad, the simple and elaborate, and the fun and outright strange. The cool thing about cosplaying is it lets you showcase a side of your personality that you would otherwise feel comfortable showing. I’ve dabbled in cosplay myself and I will admit that it is one of the most freeing feelings a person could experience as you’re essentially hiding behind the veil of a costume.

The attendees of Fan Expo Canada were totally into cosplay and we could tell. I saw some of the best cosplay I’d ever seen at Fan Expo, and I wanted to share it with you all! So here you go, Here’s some of my favorite cosplayers from Fan Expo Canada.

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