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Tinder Will Soon Roll Out Background Check Capability For Potential Matches

2 min read

We’ve all read the stories. Boy meets girl…or boy meets boy…or girl meets girl. They hit it off, they fall in love, and then one of them turns out to be a complete psychopath. Many times, especially when dealing with meeting potential mates through dating apps like Match or Tinder, warning signs are largely missed. Not specifically because of people looking past shadiness, but rather because of how easy it can be to create a false persona online. There’s no shortage of stories about people hiding prior arrests, or convictions stemming from violence or abuse from their online profiles. That could soon change however as Match Group has invested in non-profit background check company, Garbo.

While users won’t immediately see this change, this is certainly a step in the right direction. As more people turn to dating apps like Tinder and Match to find love, or at the very least hook up, there lies a ton of potential for users to run into unscrupulous people. Once the tech becomes available, users will be able to see things like arrest records, convictions, and public records of abuse or violence, all accessible from the data users provide when signing up to use those services. This is similar to what already happens when you apply for a job. A background check for employment is relatively common for job applicants, and this utilises a similar technology. Recruiters and employers from companies tend to take advantage of services such as this to choose the best candidate, in compliance with the company policy and work ethics. However, if you would like to gather more information about the nitty gritty of the same, read up on the articles and blogs available online!

Now for the tricky part: how will this new feature be made available to Match Group app users? It’s already been leaked that the background check feature won’t be free, but there’s been no word on official cost. If anything, it could end up being added in with subscription costs for those who pay monthly for premium features. Either way, this is an amazing addition to these apps, and it’s kind of interesting that this functionality hasn’t existed within them beforehand. Thankfully, it exists now, or at least will soon, and in the process will hopefully make the world of online dating much safer.

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