10 Best WWE Royal Rumble Moments
6 min read
3.) Wait…..He Hit Him How Many Times?
One of the most grueling moments I remember watching in the WWE occurred at the 1999 Royal Rumble. The Champion, Mick Foley (as Mankind) was set to take on the hottest heel in the company at the time The Rock, in an epic “I Quit” match. The back story of this match was one of a legit rivalry, booked the old school way. A tale of hatred, and two men who truly wanted to destroy each other. That story was told brilliantly through this match, and in the process, Foley and The Rock created one of the most notorious moments in WWE history. The Rock had Mick Foley’s hands handcuffed behind his back, and he unleashed 11 unprotected, unshielded chair shots to Foley. The Rock went on to win the match after knocking Foley unconscious and playing his voice saying I Quit over the PA system.