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Apple’s At It Again

2 min read

By Rob Boggan

Unless you’ve been under a rock the past several weeks, you’ve most likely heard of Apple’s massive victory over Samsung in a very heated patent dispute. As part of their loss, Samsung was ordered to pay Apple $1.05 Billion dollars in damages, and they face several of their most popular devices being banned from sales in an injunction Apple will definitely file in the near future.

Now, Apple has amended it’s initial complaint, and added almost all the newest Samsung heavy hitters to a brand new patent suit. The time frame that Apple is looking at is between August 2011, and August 2012, which essentially pulls in the Galaxy Note and Galaxy S III. This makes the second time that the electronics giants will do battle in a coutroom in the USA, undoubtedly after Apple’s ballooned confidence from last month’s decisive victory. The biggest difference this time around is Apple is charging that an entirely different set of patents have been violated (eight (8) in total) and they obviously are seeking compensation.

It will be interesting to see how this turns out, and while Samsung has enough in the bank to pay another $1 Billion in damages to Apple. What Samsung cannot afford, is to have an injunction levied on it’s two most popular smartphones. Another Apple victory will not only solidify how vicious Apple will defend its designs, but also how flawed the US patent system really is. Listed below are the devices that Apple has named in it’s second suit. How do you feel about these suits? Is Apple legitimately defending their properties? Or do you think Apple has ulterior motives behind all this litigation?

  • Samsung Galaxy S II (All variants)
  • Samsung Galaxy Note
  • Samsung Galaxy Nexus
  • Samsung Illusion
  • Samsung Captivate Glide
  • Samsung Exhibit II 4G
  • Samsung Transform Ultra
  • Samsung Stratosphere
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus
  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9
  • Samsung Galaxy Player ( 4 & 5)
  • Sasmung Galaxy Note 10.1

{via The Verge}

*See the original post at

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