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Nexus 4 Sells Out In Under An Hour. Breaks My Heart

1 min read

By Rob Boggan

Yesterday was supposed to magical for me. I woke up early to purchase my brand new Nexus 4 and I was getting giddy as I added the 16GB model into my cart, then joyfully added the protective bumper as well. I clicked on the ‘checkout’ button and was ready to make my next tech purchase… and then nothing. I glanced around my screen waiting for a confirmation and still….nothing. I was greeted by an error message saying that a problem had occurred and I should try again later. SON OF A B…… I’ve done enough online shopping to know that this meant two things: a) The Google Play was swarming with traffic and there were thousands more around the globe who were attempting the same thing as me at the same exact time and b) This usually means that stock is selling out and selling fast. After several hours of refreshing and retrying, I gave up. At about noon yesterday I began to read the tweets and posts about the initial stock of Nexus 4’s being sold out. Completely. In under an hour. I would dare say that this has been to date the most successful launch for any Nexus device to date. Riding a tidal wave of momentum and more importantly a sick price point ($299 for the 8GB model and $349 for the 16GB model), the Nexus 4 will probably be one of the most coveted devices this holiday season.

*See the original post at

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