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Apple Rumored To Be Working On “Smash Proof” iPhone

1 min read

By Rob Boggan

According to a patent application filed by Apple, they could be cooking up some serious heat for iPhones released in the future. Apple has caught a lot of heat lately for “failing” to remain at the top of the innovation food chain, especially with rival Samsung continually releasing buzzworthy flagships year after year. If something like this come to fruition, I can’t imagine anyone who wouldn’t want an iPhone just for the cool factor alone.

Essentially what Apple is wanting to do, is create a device that is smart enough to sense when it’s falling and take proper measures to prevent damage from your handset. Imagine that for a second. You drop your phone and shortly before impact your phone spins, or levitates to avoid damage to the screen.  The long short of this scenario would be, the phone using the built in accelerometer, gyroscope, or additional senors, will detect when and how impact would occur and prepare itself accordingly. That’s next level. More specifically mentioned in the patent filing is either the movement of an embedded weight or thrust system within the device to prevent damage. Insane.

I don’t know about you, but seeing a phone with this type of capability would move me to buy. What about you?

{via The Telegraph}
{photo courtesy of Apple Insider}

*See the original post at

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