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Apple Will Soon Provide In-House Medical Care For Employees

1 min read

Apple will soon be launching their own medical clinics called “AC Care” for their employees. This means Apple will soon be taking the often times messy and confusing state of corporate healthcare into their own hands. The move would make Apple one of the first US companies to do so, and they are saying they’ll be able to provide comprehensive health care for their employees.

There has already been job listings posted for doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to work for Apple. They are planning on building two “state of the art” medical facilities to begin with, both of which will be in Santa Clara, California. One of those facilities will be located within their “spaceship” headquarters right within Apple Park. Employees of Stanford Health group have apparently already begun working for AC Care, while Apple continues to search for other professionals and designers.

The designers part is really intriguing because that would mean Apple is also looking to build an experience for AC Care. I’d have to imagine they are looking for talented developers to help them integrate their Apple Healthkit and Researchkit into their new venture. Most likely, Apple will be working towards a preventative experience for employees aimed at tracking and promoting healthier life styles through diet and exercise. This is actually pretty cool to hear, and I’m very curious to see the final stages of development of this program once it actually rolls out. 

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