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‘Daredevil’ Cancelled By Netflix Following Season 3

2 min read

The slow and painful death of Marvel series on Netflix continues. The most recent victim is none other than Marvel’s Daredevil, following in the footsteps of Luke Cage and Ironfist. All three series got cancelled after their most recent season aired, despite moderate popularity on the streaming service. Daredevil was easily the most popular Marvel series on Netflix, and its cancellation comes completely out of nowhere.

The only two Marvel series that remain on Netflix are Jessica Jones and The Punisher. At this rate, there’s no telling how long they’ll last either. Netflix has been on a cancellation world tour lately, killing off several franchises regardless of their popularity. There have been rumblings about a bit of a rift between Marvel and Netflix though, and if said rift actually exists, it would make sense as to why Netflix has been especially proficient in killing off Marvel shows. And it is not only Marvel, it is seen that Netflix has been removing quite a few shows (both the iconic and the not so iconic ones), out of their popular OTT platform. It is for this reason that movie lovers tend to be on a binge ride to finish off the best horror movies on Netflix or even the best comedy series (according to them) in the time that the shows are still available on the platform!

Coming back to the Marvel-Netflix fall-out, on the outside looking in, clues about an impending split between Marvel and Netflix have been around for a while. According to Deadline, Netflix has been trying to pressure Marvel to cut their shows from 13 episodes per season down to 10. Marvel resisted, pushing forward with longer seasons for their high-budget superhero franchises. There was also the creative issues, as each show saw a change in showrunners almost every season.

So herewith are. Netflix seems hell-bent on ridding themselves of all Marvel shows, and focusing more on in-house content going forward. Perhaps most of these Marvel shows will find new life on Disney’s streaming service once it launches. Perhaps Netflix has an ace up their sleeves and they’re not actually worried about losing the Marvel shows or their respective audiences. You could look at various articles and blogs online to know what is new on Netflix.

Either way, shuttering Daredevil is a definite sign that Netflix if comfortable continuing on without the influence of Marvel TV. It’s yet to be seen if Netflix will also stop carrying any of the Marvel films currently available to stream on the platform.

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