Here’s The Debut Trailer For The Incredibles 2
1 min read
Everyone’s favorite crime fighting family is about to return in a major way. We finally got an official teaser trailer for The Incredibles 2, and it looks amazing! The first Incredibles debuted all the way back in 2004, so to say it’s been a while for this franchise would be an understatement.
The sequel will pick up directly after the original, so no time will have passed between films. We’ll get to see how the family adapts to the world after the return of super heroes and super villains, and how they’ll adapt to each other as well. Franchise favorites Craig T. Nelson (Mr. Incredible), Holly Hunter (Elastigirl), and Samuel L. Jackson (Frozone) will all reprise their roles from the original film. Director Brad Bird was quoted as saying the second film will feature a story centered more around Elastigirl. That seems like an interesting choice, as the first film was very heavily focused around Mr. Incredible. It’ll be interesting to see just how much things will change, and what the full story will be about this time around.
The Incredibles 2 will hit theaters on June 13th, 2018.