The Curated Culture

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Motor City Comic Con Remains The Premier Comic Con In Michigan

3 min read

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the Motor City Comic Con. If you know me, then you’d know that I constantly praise this con as one of my favorites to attend every year. MC3 weaves the perfect blend of celebrity guests, comic creators, and vendors to create a one-of-a-kind experience for veteran and rookie attendees alike. With its ability to consistently put on a great show, Motor City Comic Con continues to remain the premier Comic Con in Michigan.

From Friday through Sunday, thousands of fans from hundreds of fandoms converge onto the Surburban Showplace in Novi and celebrate all things pop culture. No matter what you happen to be in to, there is something at this show to accommodate you. I usually find it hard to genuinely experience everything MC3 has to offer, but I look at that as more of a challenge than anything.

The main showroom is divided into different sections that allow all attendees to quickly and easily find what they’re looking for. “Celebrity Row” is the part of the main floor where you can find the stars of your favorite movie and TV shows, professional wrestlers, and voice actors from the best anime and video game series all in one space. Whe, n they aren’t at their respective tables, you can also usually find them in the photo opps area, or participating in one of several panels throughout the weekend.

If celebrity fandom isn’t your thing, then there’s also a solid selection of comics and collectibles vendors to help you add the most coveted item into your collection. If you’re anything like me, Funkos have started to take over every open space in your home. If that happens to be the case, you’ll find no shortage of vendors ready to take care of you. Our personal favorites, First Form Collectibles are always on point and seem to have the largest selection of standard and exclusive Funkos.

The area I generally spend most of my time in, happens to be artist alley. There’s nothing better than getting to check out early art and comics from the legendary creators of the future. Artist alley is where I first met TJ Sterling, a former Marvel artist and founder of RAE Comics who is now making waves with his own series entitled Okemus. If you ever get the chance to attend a Motor City Comic Con, I’d highly suggest starting here, and working your way through the rest of the show.

I’ve been fortunate enough to attend Motor City Comic Con for the last five years, and I have to admit every year, the show is great. Sometimes I have my doubts based on the guest list, but the best thing about this show is that you could spend all weekend never interacting with any of the celebrity guests and still have a great time. Thankfully, there’s another Motor City Comic Con happening in October, so if you missed this one, you’ll have a second chance to experience all that MC3 has to offer.

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