Next Up Anytime: AT&T’s New Flexible Phone Upgrade Program
2 min read
Have you ever got the itch to get a new smartphone mere months after your latest purchase? How about waiting too long to buy a new device, only to find out the newest model is debuting soon after you finally decide to pull the trigger? If either of these scenarios applies to past or current you, AT&T is debuting a new upgrade program to remedy your worries.
Next Up Anytime is a new upgrade program for AT&T that gives subscribers more flexibility with their phone upgrades. Previously, a subscriber would have to ensure at least 50% of their installment plan was paid off before they could even entertain the idea of upgrading early. Now, thanks to Next Up Anytime customers will have the ability to upgrade as soon as one installment and the first Next Up Anytime payment is made.
As with anything, there are a few catches with Next Up Anytime. First, even though you can upgrade after the first installment is paid, you would still need to ensure at least 33% (one-third) of the phone’s price is paid off. Secondly, there is a cap of three upgrades on Next Up Anytime per year.
It’s that simple. Next Up Anytime will be available on all AT&T wireless plans, and will cost an additional $10 monthly (in addition to the device installments) for access to the program. AT&T will officially roll out Next Up Anytime on July 16th, just in time for new Pixel and iPhone devices.
For full details on the AT&T Next Up program, head over to AT&T’s Next Up site.