Prototype Of SNES PlayStation Spotted Online
1 min read
Pictures surfaced on Reddit yesterday that seem to uncover one of video gaming’s biggest mystery collaborations. Way back in 1988, Sony and Nintendo were in talks to co-produce a system that would be a hybrid between an SNES and a Sony Playstation. In 1991, the system was unveiled at CES and was dubbed the SNES-CD. The system was to be compatible with both cartridge and disc based games, with the disc games benefitting from the higher storage capacity. Talks between Sony and Nintendo ended up breaking down, and Nintendo tried to move production forward with Philips while Sony continued to work on what would eventually become the PlayStation.
The original poster went into detail about how he came into possession of the system, explaining;
My dad worked for a company, apparently one of the guys he used to work with, I think his name was Olaf, used to work at Nintendo and when my dads company went bankrupt, my dad found it in a box of “junk” he was supposed to throw out.
A quick Google search of “Nintendo Olaf” or “Olaf gaming” doesn’t turn up much, but Googling “Sony Olaf” turned up an interesting result. Olaf Olafsson was essentially Sony’s design chief back in the day and could very well be the Olaf the poster is referencing.
Nintendo Life has a full gallery and video of the mythical console, so head on over to the jump link to check it out.
via Nintendo Life