Telltale’s ‘The Walking Dead: The Final Season’ Premiere Trailer
2 min read
The last chapter in Telltale’s ‘The Walking Dead’ saga is set to debut on consoles and PC August 14th. The series will be concluding the story of fan-favorite Clementine, as she struggles to provide a safe haven for AJ (an orphaned child) and herself. Clementine has been a featured player in all the Telltale Walking Dead games, and while nothing has been confirmed, Clementine’s death has been teased since the game was announced a few short months ago. Fans will get to see Clem in a full-blown leadership role this time around, and will get to determine exactly how her story will end.
The Walking Dead: The Final Season will not only benefit from a new story, but the game will also see an overhaul in the graphics department as well. Telltale is developing a new over-the-shoulder camera which will improve navigation, and the ability to explore areas with greater detail. There’s also a new shading system that Telltale is dubbing “Graphic Black Art” which makes the animations look even closer to that of The Walking Dead Comic world.
Telltale’s The Walking Dead has sold over 50 million episodes worldwide. They’ve also won over 100 Game Of The Year awards since they debuted. The Walking Dead: The Final Season will debut on August 14th on PS4, Xbox One, and PC, with a planned Nintendo Switch release in the future. Beginning June 8th, players will be able to pre-order the for $19.99. Players on PC who pre-order the game through Steam, GOG, GamersGate, or The Humble Store will receive 10% off retail cost of the game. Players who pre-order on PS4 and Xbox One will also receive immediate access to The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series Collection, which gathers all 19 existing episodes of the award-winning series into a single package. Check out the official trailer for The Walking Dead: The Final Season below!