Tom Hardy Wants To Play The Punisher
2 min read
Tom Hardy was originally slated to play Rick Flagg in the upcoming Suicide Squad film, but had to drop out due to scheduling conflicts with another movie. He sat down with Collider recently to discuss his disappointment in having to relinquish the role of Flagg along with other roles he’d be curious in playing. One such role just so happened to be that of The Punisher, and that’s one we think he’d be perfect in.
Collider: I heard Warner Bros. has a few more superhero movies, maybe one or two that they’re developing [Laughs].
HARDY: I want The Punisher… I want The Punisher, or Splinter Cell, I want something…I don’t know what I want.
You as Punisher could be very interesting.
HARDY: I’m not big enough to be The Punisher, I’m 5’9” [Laughs].
But I actually think that adds to the character.
HARDY: Frank Castle, I would love it. Is that him, isn’t it?
Yeah. It’s Frank Castle.
Seeing how passionate Hardy sounds about playing the role of The Punisher, I would 100% try to get this rolling if I were Marvel. Hardy is obviously in demand at the current moment, and his portrayal of Bane in the Dark Knight Rises shows that he can thrive in a comic book movie setting. Add that to the recent announcement that the Deadpool movie will be rated R, and the overwhelming success of Daredevil on Netflix, and it seems like the stars have aligned to make a dark, gritty, mature version of The Punisher. Check out the full interview at the link below, and let us know what you think about Tom Hardy wanting to play Frank Castle!
via Collider