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Watch Your Favorite WWE Superstars Reenact Stone Cold’s Famous “Austin 3:16” Promo

1 min read

20 years ago today, one of the biggest events in pro wrestling history occurred. Stone Cold Steve Austin defeated Jake The Snake Roberts in the finals of the 1996 King Of The Ring tournament. That victory wasn’t the biggest happening that night, as Steve Austin would go on to cut one of the most epic promos ever. Austin effectively fired the first shot of the newly crowned “Attitude Era” and the rest as they say, is history.

To commemorate the 2oth anniversary of Austin’s big moment, WWE pulled some of their biggest stars in to reenact Stone Cold’s speech. Most of them did a good job, but once again, The New Day stole the show. Check out the group cut below, and then marvel at the glorious, New Day only version.




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