WWE Elimination Chamber Results
10 min read
Divas Championship; Naomi v Paige v Nikki Bella
I have high hopes for this match, as three of the four best divas in the division are competing. The match started out predictably as Nikki and Paige team up and take out Naomi, eventually shoving her out of the ring. As soon as Naomi’s feet hit the ground Paige and Nikki are going at it, with some solid back and forth action. After pulling Nikki out of the ring, Naomi hops in and goes right after Paige. After hitting Paige with a kick to the head, Naomi attempts a cross body, which Paige avoids and winds up hitting Naomi with a Razor Ramon-esque fall away slam. Nikki gets back into the ring and the action starts to pick back up. There was a pretty sweet powerbomb/german suplex combo involving all three women, and a slightly botched reverse hurricanrana that set up the finish to the match. Paige had Nikki locked in the PTO but Naomi broke it up with a kick to Paige, taking her out of the picture long enough for Nikki to hit the rack attack on Naomi for the 1-2-3.
Winner: Nikki Bella
John Cena v Kevin Owens:
There is a unbelivable big fight feel surrounding this match. I haven’t been this excited for a match in quite sometime and I hope it lives up to the hype. The two engage in some chain wrestling before Kevin Owens gains the upper hand and starts the beatdown on John Cena. The two engage in a slugfest in the middle of the ring, and the crowd is already super hot for this match. Owens ends up powering out of a firm headlock from Cena, and countered an AA with a DDT. After trading a few near falls, the two engage in another blow for blow punch fest, and the punches are starting to look more and more stiff. Cena goes for his patented shoulder blocks and on the second one, Owens catches him and nails him with a spinning side slam for another close two count. Cena gets back up and hits all his signature moves, and goes for the AA again, but Owens counters and hits Cena with a Pop-Up Powerbomb for another near fall. This match is already amazing and I don’t think it’s even close to being over. Cena and Owens end up fighting on the top rope after Cena attempts a superplex. Owens hits Cena with a hard headbutt and knocks him off the ropes, and then goes for an incredible moonsault. Cena hits the AA, and goes for the cover, but Owens kicks out just before the ref hit the three count. Another slugfest breaks out, and just as it looks like Cena is about to gain the upper hand, Owens nails him with a superkick. While Cena is down, Owens attempts to go for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but gets caught in the STF in the process. Owens crawls to the ropes and right before he grabs them, Cena pulls him back towards the middle of the ring. Owens flips around and kicks Cena off of him in an effort to create some space, and in an incredible turn of events Owens ends up hitting Cena with the AA for a two count!!! After hitting Owens with the springboard stunner, Cena goes for the cover and Owens kicks out yet again. Cena puts Owens back on the ropes but this time Owens counters with what I can only describe as a rotating brain buster from the second rope. Cena mows over Owens with a nasty clothesline, and both guys are down. Holy crap this match is amazing!!! Cena tries to get another set of shoulder blocks going but Owens catches him in another Pop-Up Powerbomb and pins Cena clean in the middle of the ring!
Winner: Kevin Owens
I’m seriously in shock. Not only did Kevin Owens win, but he won clean, in the middle of the ring, and then cut a hard promo afterwards. Ladies and gentlemen, Kevin Owens has arrived.