5 Things WWE 2K16 Must Have To Be A Great Game
7 min read
Bigger, Better, Creative Suite

One thing I’ve been most vocal about has been the lackluster creative modes in the last few WWE games. The modes that fans enjoyed the most, got scrapped and replaced by things nowhere near as popular. If 2K Games genuinely wants WWE 2K16 to stand out, then they’re going to have to cater to the more creatively inclined gamers. Create-A-Finisher was by far my most favorite mode as it allowed me to truly create a one of a kind character to use in Universe Mode, or any other game mode for that matter. The Create-A-Championship and Create-A-Arena were both super cool, and while I could live without either, they could most certainly add even more depth to a game that sorely needs it. Above all else, I’m begging the 2K Gods to please bring back the Create-A-PPV mode from SmackDown! 2. This was easily the most fun thing about the old SmackDown games, as it allowed you to step into the role of booker, and build your own card from top to bottom. Everything was in your hands, from the name of the event, to the wrestlers involved, and the titles that would be on the line. If you want to create a memorable experience for gamers, include the ability for the system to dynamically track crowd response and match quality using advanced analytics and ranking systems. Allow users to upload their stats online, and compete for “highest rated show”. The create a superstar mode needs to be bolstered with more save slots, more entrance options, and most importantly create-a-diva needs to make a triumphant return as well. There’s no reason that option should’ve been left out. Way to alienate a good chunk of your customer base guys…