5 Things WWE 2K16 Must Have To Be A Great Game
7 min read
Game Modes, Game Modes, Game Modes

I almost shed a tear when I seen the final list of match types and game modes that were being included in WWE 2K15. Seriously, all of the chaotic matches and things that led to the biggest combination of unique possibilities were gone. Handicap Matches? Nope. Ladder Match in anything other than 6 Man? Not a chance. There MUST BE a return of every game mode that was taken away in the transition from WWE 2K14 to 15. Some would argue that most of the game modes would go unused, to which I’d say is fine as long as they’re there. Removing these modes made no sense to begin with, and I believe it greatly hurt buyers opinion of this game. I’d imagine that 2K had some really good reasons for removing those modes but they simply didn’t pan out. Then to add injury to insult, it came to pass that a good bunch of these game modes actually wound up making an appearance in 2K Showcase mode. I understand the reasoning for removing some of these modes, but to take away more than 60% of what was available is an almost inexcusable offense. Showcase mode was a welcome addition to the game, and I have nothing really negative to say about it, outside of maybe including a few more scenarios on day one, along with better pricing on the downloadable options. Universe mode needs to work like season mode on Madden or NBA 2K, where you can choose one superstar or one faction and guide their careers through the treacherous WWE waters. MyCareer was awesome, but would’ve benefitted from better pacing, and more rivalry options. MDickie’s Wrestling Revolution has set, and subsequently raised the bar for wrestling simulations several times over, and in recent years WWE hasn’t even come close to the depth that’s offered in his games. I’d like to be able to fine tune my character’s career path and even be able to choose actions that could turn him face or heel, participate in backstage politics (storyline politics that is), and start or stop allegiances as I please. Make it happen guys