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How To Keep Your Android Phone Safe From Viruses

2 min read

By Rob Boggan

Day after day, Android devices are being subjected to viruses that attack, and in some cases, completely cripple the device it happens to be installed on. Some media outlets use this as a chance to highlight how Android devices are “the worst” or the most “fallible” devices when it comes to security. Month over month, Android phones are reported as the most insecure mobile operating system available today, and most security experts agree. Well, I happen to know the easiest, and most fool proof way to keep yours and any other Android device completely and totally safe from malicious software. It’s really simple, and 100% effective.

Stop downloading non-market apps. That’s it. That simple. I would like to peg myself as a “security expert”, but the fact of the matter is, when you download non-approved apps, you have to deal with the consequences. Those consequences may be a virus, they may be complete annihilation of your device, or nothing at all. Sometimes, you have to stay within the guidelines of what’s approved and what’s not approved, to ensure your device is running at optimal performance all the time. iPhones seem to get the wrap as being the most secure and has an impermeable shield to keep all the baddies out. The truth of the matter is, iPhone owners don’t have to worry about malicious software because Apple has already gone ahead and shut down your ability to download non-Apple Store approved apps. What this means is, unless you jailbreak your device, and remove Apple’s security safety-net, this will never be a concern for you. Due to Android being an open-sourced OS, they bake the ability to install non-market apps into the software, and as long as you’re aware of the risk, you can go in and enable the ability to install non-market apps. One must understand that some of these “apps” haven’t been approved for a reason, hence why they’re not in the Google Play Store, and the same reason why non-approved Apple apps are confined to the Cydia market (only available on jail broken iPhones).

That’s it. That’s the big “Secret” to making sure your Android devices are safe and secure. If you want to go the next step above and beyond, simply download one of the multiple Android Anti-virus software suites available (AVG, LookOut, or AVast!) for added security.

*See the original post at

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