The Walking Dead’s Biggest Moments: Numbers 20 – 16
5 min read
Here it is! The first installment of our countdown detailing our favorite moments from the past 3 seasons of The Walking Dead. Some of them are absolute no brainers, and most are moments we felt were extremely underrated as far as character or story development goes. We’ve watched hours upon hours of The Walking Dead as refreshers to compile this list, and while we may have left out some crucial moments, these are the ones we feel are the most important to storyline. Be aware that this countdown does provide serious plot twists and plot points from the first three seasons, and thus if you haven’t seen them ** Spoiler Alert** So without further ado, enjoy moments 20 – 16 and make sure you leave us comments, or let us know your favorite moments!
20) Jim’s Premonition: After having a weird, funky dream, camp member Jim begins to act suspicious and deranged, digging graves for no apparent reason. As concern within the group grows and begins to escalate into panic, Rick, Shane, and Dale decide to do something before he can harm the group. Before that can happen, the group gets ambushed by a ton of walkers and there are several casualties. In the process Jim gets bitten, and reveals that he remembers why he was digging the graves, and it was because he seen the attack happen in his dream. This moment is pivotal because for the first time we get to see a hint of foreshadowing within the series. We also get to see how being in this world torn apart by the zombie plague can really affect one’s mindset.
19) Shane Beats Carol’s Husband: We knew shortly after Rick returned to the group that things would start to get really tense really fast between Rick, Shane, and Lori. It was during an especially intense argument between Ed and Carol, that we start to see Shane turn from caretaker Shane into dictator Shane in a split second. Shane, frustrated by Lori’s sudden lack of interest in him takes all his anger out on Ed, beating him viciously and warning him that if he ever put his hands on any of the other survivors ever again, he would not stop.
18) Carl, Michonne, and Rick’s Excellent Adventure: During a routine scavenger mission, Rick, Michonne, and newly minted badass Carl are out and about looking weapons and supplies for their upcoming battle with The Governor. This entire episode was filled with goodies, including another big moment later in the countdown, but this one centers around forging new friendships after being faced with a ridiculously difficult decision. It’s also important to keep in mind that The Governor has given Rick the choice to surrender Michonne to him to avoid any violence. With that being said, we are treated to Rick asking Carl what he thinks about Michonne, at the beginning of the episode, and by the end, his opinion had completely changed. There was an important scene in this episode where Carl almost gets killed by a walker, but Michonne and her excellent swordsmanship saves his hide. She also does Carl a solid by returning into a walker filled cafe to retrieve a picture of the Grimes family for Carl to deliver to his baby sister when she gets older. Michonne also tells Rick she’s noticed that he’s been talking to a hallucination form of Lori, and confides in him the fact that she used to talk to her deceased boyfriend to help cope with his loss. Really big moment.
17) We’re All Infected: As the survivors find themselves enjoying a somewhat civilized living space within the CDC, they meet an eccentric scientist named Dr. Edwin Jenner. Showers, wine, and cozy living spaces aside, it is also within the CDC that we first learn the scope and outreach of the plague that’s killed so many. Dr. Jenner reveals that there is no more civilization, and most of his comrades have either left to pursue safety elsewhere, or killed themselves. He had stayed behind, committing himself to finding a cure, but has been unsuccessful so far. When a diesel fuel tank runs out of gas, the CDC goes into decontamination mode and will destroy itself and everything inside. Before the CDC blows, Carol slips Rick and co. a grenade to use to try to make their grand escape, and before they depart, Jenner grabs Rick and whispers a very vital piece of information in his ear. We would later find out that Jenner tells Rick that everyone is infected, and essentially no matter how they die, they’ll come back as a walker. Rick didn’t believe Jenner until Shane reanimates after their scuffle.
16) A Man, A Horse, and 1,000 Zombies: Ah, the pilot. The very first episode that launched us all into Walking Dead insanity mode. This episode, to me, was perfect in execution and cinematography. We get a pretty solid amount of character development, without learning too much about exactly what the hell had happened in the world. Rick wakes up from a coma, stumbles around for a bit, and eventually finds himself sitting on the steps of a former neighbors house, when all of a sudden his head is greeted by a shovel. Rick wakes up from unconsciousness(again), restrained and held captive by a man named Morgan, and his son Duane. They fill Rick in on what’s developed so far, and Rick reveals to them that he’s a cop. Rick takes Morgan and Duane to the police station that he once ran as sheriff, and treats them to a warm shower, fresh clothes and a sweet stash of weapons. From there, Rick sets off on his journey to Georgia, and a hopefully jubilant reunion with his wife and son. Along the way Rick runs out of gas, and stumbles across a deserted farm and luckily, an undead horse. Rick and his trusty steed finally make it to Georgia, where Rick spots a helicopter, tries to track it and runs smack into a giant horde of walkers. Within seconds Rick is toppled from his horse, and poor steed becomes walker feed. Rick, manages to barely escape the walkers thanks to an abandoned tank.
That’s it! Moments 20-16 down, 15-11 on Wednesday. What’s been your favorite moments so far? Share them below in the comments!