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WWE Money In The Bank Results

13 min read

Tag Team Title Match: The New Day (c) v The Prime Time Players

Kofi is sitting this one out, and we have Big E and Xavier Woods defending the titles. Big E and Xavier are getting a lot of mic time for some reason. Big E and Xavier trade shots on Darren Young, and isolate him from Titus O’Neil early in the match. Big E hits Darren Young with a big splash, followed up by a big belly to belly suplex. Big E tags in Xavier Woods, who stays on Young making sure to keep him away from his corner. Woods does a bit of posturing towards the crowd and ends up running into a school boy from Darren Young. Just before he falls over Xavier Woods managed to tag in Big E, who catches Darren Young with a nice Sambo slam. Darren Young manages to slip out of a Big E shoulder charge, and as Big E was headed into the corner, Young slips over and tags in Titus O’Neil who goes on a rampage inside the ring. Big E breaks up a pin attempt from Titus on Xavier Woods and Darren Young gets in and takes on Big E. Young gets tossed onto the apron, and nails Big E with a forearm, to which Big E spears Young to the outside. All alone in the ring, Titus O’Neil hits Xavier Woods with the Clash Of The Titus (what a terrible name) for the three count.

Winner: The Prime Time Players

Well. This came out of nowhere, I don’t get the motivation behind taking the belts off The new Day though. Only time will tell if this was a smart move or not.

World Heavyweight Title Ladder Match: Seth Rollins (c) v Dean Ambrose

Match starts off fast and furious, with Ambrose taking off early. Ambrose gets Rollins down and plugs a boot right into Rollins abdomen. Ambrose whips Rollins into the corner and rushes Rollins only to eat a boot. While Ambrose is down Rollins tries to go outside for a ladder, but Ambrose cuts him off bringing him back in the ring. Ambrose hits the Pepsi Twist clothesline and then a running bulldog on Rollins. Rollins counters Ambrose’s next attack and drives him face first into the corner.Both men end up outside, and Rollins sends Ambrose into the steel steps. Rollins again goes for a ladder but Dean knocks his block off with a clothesline. Rollins, a bit woozy gets back up, and goes at Dean again, this time knocking him over. Rollins sets up a ladder against the apron and tries to irish whip Ambrose into it. Rollins reverses, scales the ladder and then pulls it into the ring. Both men take time pulling each other off the ladder until Ambrose sends Rollins crashing into it. They set the ladder up in the corner and take turns reversing suplex attempts onto it, until Ambrose gets the upper hand and Underhook Suplexed Ambrose across the ladder. Rollins rolls out of the ring, and while he’s outside Ambrose begins to climb the ladder. Right as Ambrose gets to the top of the ladder, Rollins blasts Ambrose across the legs with several chair shots until he falls off. Rollins works over the legs of Ambrose for quite some time, even wrapping him up in the ladder smashing it across Ambrose’s legs.

Ambrose makes it to the corner and tries to fight off Rollins, but Rollins pulls Ambrose’s leg to the outside and wraps his knee around the ring post. Rollins then goes for the Figure Four with Ambrose still wrapped around the post. Rollins rolls Ambrose back into the ring and reapplied the Figure Four, until Ambrose reverses the pressure and forces Rollins to break the hold. Seth Rollins has been on the offensive for a while and Dean doesn’t look to be in very good shape. Rollins ties Ambrose up in the tree of woe and tees off on him again with a chair. He launches a tree of woe curb stomp type of maneuver on Ambrose and then leaves him to climb the ladder. As soon as he reaches the top, Ambrose on one leg tips the ladder over and stops Rollins ascent. Rollins continues to work over Dean’s legs and then climbs to the top rope, only to eat a projectile chair Ambrose launched at his face.

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