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Five Things I Learned From Wrestlemania

5 min read

Tradition Is Still Alive And Well

One of the biggest storylines heading into Wrestlemania was Kurt Angle’s final match. The talk was less about Angle’s sendoff, and more about who his final match would be against. Angle chose Baron Corbin as his final opponent, and effectively killed off any hope of a great final match. Wrestling fans collectively took to Twitter to voice their displeasure, after all, a wrestler of Kurt Angle’s magnitude certainly deserved a better send off. The reality of this final match is that is actually made perfect sense in storyline fashion. Baron Corbin was the man who took Kurt’s RAW GM job, he embarrassed him on RAW in a match a few weeks later, and had been a thorn is Kurt’s side over the last 6 months. But the larger story here, is that there’s been a long standing tradition in the business. A tradition that sees older talent who are hangin up their boots “Go out on their backs.” That’s exactly what Angle did by putting Corbin over. He’s a class act, and definitely shows he’s still very much an old school traditionalist.

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