Five Things I Learned From Wrestlemania
5 min read
Wrestlemania Is Too Damn Long

Wrestlemania started programming on Sunday at 5PM EST. The Show went off the air at 12:24AM, after a bit of a clunker main event. The crowd was very obviously tuckered out as cheers and jeers were mostly flat despite one of the company’s most popular stars finally getting to have their moment. Crowd fatigue is a real thing, and was especially problematic this year. Matches that were great matches had almost no crowd reaction towards their conclusion because there were so many more matches left. Asking a wrestling crowd to stay energetic and engaged for SEVEN hours is asking a lot, and I think it’s high time for WWE to consider revamping the Wrestlemania format. Shortening he overall length of the show wouldn’t impact the overall amount of wrestling because fans still have three hours of RAW and two hours of Smackdown to endure over the next two days as well. I consider myself a wrestling super fan, but cramming 18 hours of wrestling programming in over three days is too much even for my taste.