Netflix's anime series based on the popular fighting franchise 'Tekken,' dropped its first official trailer. The series will follow franchise...
Just a few short weeks ago, Valve announced their new portable gaming PC, and effectively set the world on fire....
Blizzard continues to rebuild after a sexual misconduct scandal rocked the popular gaming company. In late July, a lawsuit was...
Gamers on the Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X/S are finally in line to get one of the greatest games...
If you've been looking for a reason to pick up a Google Stadia, you may finally have one. Google is...
Nintendo unveiled a Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword remaster during their Nintendo Direct event. The classic Legend Of Zelda adventure...
After nearly a decade on the shelf, EA has announced that they will finally be releasing a new college football...
There a few games that resonate with the pre-online gaming community quite like Goldeneye:007 does. It was the first game...
Consumers are fighting on the losing end of a battle to successfully obtain the latest gaming consoles from Sony and...
Game designer Innersloth Studios have announced plans to cancel the sequel to the smash-hit game, "Among Us." The cancellation is...