Barrelling towards a series finale in the next week, Attack on Titan seems poised for a fantastic conclusion. The show...
Entertainment is our thing. We’ve pieced together awesome collections dealing with your favorite TV, movie, and pop culture news all in one place!
After months of rumors, it appears Netflix is finally ready to start cracking down on password sharers. A small segment...
Warner Bros. just dropped the first official trailer for their upcoming Mortal Kombat reboot and it is as awesome as...
NBCUniversal and WWE have announced a new partnership that will see the WWE Network joining the list of exclusive content...
Disney announced today that a film featuring the first family of Marvel will soon be in development. Yes, finally Marvel...
The year 2020 has all but destroyed the status quo for movie studios looking to release their next big blockbuster... While COVID is still wreaking havoc on our everyday lives, movie studios have been forced to get creative with...
The service debuts on November 1st and is aimed at taking on "big cable" with affordable, no-commitment pricing. Earlier this...
It just got a whole lot easier to finally watch one of television's best shows. HBO is making 'Watchmen' free...
Robert Pattinson's take on Batman may be over before we even get to see it. Rumor has it, an old...