Netflix's anime series based on the popular fighting franchise 'Tekken,' dropped its first official trailer. The series will follow franchise...
Around Fall 2020, I decided I was going to switch to an iPhone. Up until that point, I had religiously...
After months of waiting and stalled migration, Funimation and Crunchyroll are finally merging. In a short blog post, Funimation announced...
C2E2 was one of the only major comic conventions to not have to shut down during the onset of COVID....
One of the single best things about owning a Pixel device is the random "feature drops" that hit Pixels every...
Are you looking to score a pair of the best wireless earbuds for the audiophile in your life? Trying to...
Hulu's Live TV streaming service will once again be getting a price increase. Beginning December 21st, the service will go...
Vince McMahon and WWE have been releasing talent on an almost unreal pace as of late. Most recently, over 15...
I think I may have a problem. Ever since I can remember, I've always had a fascination with sneakers. They're...